Monday, January 24, 2011

New Year Resolution?

Well, it’s nearing the end of January…did you make any New Year resolutions?  If so, it might be time to do a spot check.  Year after year, people make these resolutions, whatever they may be, and they start off determined to “make it happen”.  Kudos! 

But do these resolutions do much for making us feel good?  If you’re like most people, probably not, and the reason is that most people dismiss the resolution just as quickly as they make it.  Why?  Because most resolutions are made out of imaginary obligations and are forgotten by the end of the year.  Maybe you made it because everyone else was making one, or because that was what was being discussed around the water cooler at work.  Regardless, if you don’t have the drive behind it, more than likely, it won’t stick.  The end result is an unaccomplished goal and feeling worse because you didn’t “make it happen”.  And by mid-year, it seems too late to start over.

For me, I have decided that making huge goals for the year are best taken in smaller steps.  For example, I have admittedly failed year after year at reaching my goal weight.  It's a matter of losing 8 lbs.  I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but it's the most stubborn 8 lbs. I've tried to lose!  And at the end of each year, I feel bad for not reaching that goal.  This is a new year...and apparently doing the same thing over and over has not worked.

Why not try something different this year?  It seems like making a New Year resolution is biting off more than most people can chew.  It seems so daunting!  Try taking smaller steps instead of one huge leap.  Make a new day resolution!  To accomplish my goal, I'm going to cut out something sweet everyday and/or cut my portions gradually.  So far so good, I've lost 2 oz. per day.  I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but it's better than seeing the scale stay the same or go up!

Start off each morning with one resolution…and do it!  By the end of the night, check yourself.  Did you accomplish your resolution?  If so, pat yourself on the back and start thinking about what your resolution for the next day will be.  If not, don’t beat yourself up, make it your resolution for tomorrow.  It seems so simple!  Don’t let something be your resolution for longer than a week before you do it.  At the end of the year, you’ll realize that you accomplished more each day through daily resolutions as opposed to one WHOLE year resolution.  Make it happen!

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