Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Journey to Being a Happy Chic

Let's face women, we deal with a lot.  We're multi-takers, mothers, employees, wives/girlfriends, daughters.  For most of us, we put so many others first.  While there's nothing wrong with that, I've found myself running on empty for what feels like most of my life.  And I'm sure many of you out there feel the exact same way.

The fact of the matter is, life is a journey, and I've decided to re-route myself to make mine a happy one.  I'm not saying to look out only for number one, but if we're going to be any good to our loved ones, we need to be good to ourselves.  And the good news is that you don't have to do anything extravagant to do that!

I'm saying let's limit toxic know what I'm talking about.  Learn to say "No".  (I'm still learning that one myself!) It's when we lower our boundaries to make someone else happy even if it means sacrificing our own comfort or happiness.  I'm saying let's do a little something for "us" each day.  Maybe it's treating yourself to a bubble bath or your favorite food (even if it IS high in calories), manicures, pedicures...whatever floats your boat!  And let's be a little more forgiving of ourselves if we can't do it all.  Nobody can...and it's okay.

These are things that I've struggled with for years that I've decided to end here.  I know so many other women out there that struggle with the same thing, and while it's easier to tell someone else, "It's okay,", we fail to say it to ourselves.  So, for you ladies out there, just know that it really is okay.  This is the first step in my journey to be a happy chic!

1 comment:

  1. I love this. So truthful that we multi-task way to much. I have learned since being unemployed that it's ok to stretch on the couch for 30 minutes, sit on the patio with a good book or just have coffee with a girlfriend. It will all still be there when your done, but you'll feel better about doing what ever it is you have to do.
