Friday, May 6, 2011

Passing on a Little Encouragement

I know, I's been awhile since the last time I've blogged.  Between work, kids, relationship, friendships, and everyday routine, it's easy to put yourself and your interests last.  But I'm determined to blog once a makes me happy, and I hope it helps someone out there from time to time!

Getting to the big point I want to make today...Let's face it ladies, we do ourselves (and everyone else around us) some good when we treat ourselves better.  It amazes me that we can get so down on ourselves.  We criticize our weight, our finances, our decisions, but is this the way we would talk to our friends?  No, probably not.  Truth be told, most of us would probably NEVER say such discouraging and negative things to our friends.  Then why not treat yourself like you would treat a good friend?  Be positive about yourself.  Encourage yourself and be more confident!  It's a GOOD thing!  And for those times when we fall a little short, always remember this:  We all fall sometimes, but if you fall 7 times, get up 8 times!  You'll thank yourself!


  1. Hello :)... i liked your blog...but my question to you is where do you find all your confidence?? iv been searching for mine and i cant seem to find it. I have tried working out daily to feel better, and iv tried getting all dolled up, but it seems like everything i do just does not work. Can you please give me some tips to build my confidence?

  2. I appreciate your comment and can totally relate to your question. I did the same thing. Confidence doesn't come from the external such as weight and beauty. It comes from YOU feeling good about YOU. I bet you can list off at least three things about yourself that you like. Well, that's a start!

    Here is something to ask yourself: are you working out and dolling up for yourself or for other people? If you want to gain confidence, then you should do it because you like to do it for you. I know a lot of this sounds self involved or self centered, but confidence truly is a state of mind. And it's YOUR mind that makes it! You will never become confident through other people. Looking for outside "approval" can be hurtful and harmful.

    My thought is that everyone has an opinion. If you look to others for confidence, you're going to find a wide range in what people think. For every person that thinks negative about you, I promise you, there's is another person who is cheering you on. Don't worry about the negative stuff. That's no way to live your life. Allow yourself to be happy and KNOW that you deserve it.
